Create a life you’d love to live (Part 2) – What to do next
Creating a life you’d love to live – part 2 – what to do next? In Part 1 of this Life Design Blog Series we looked at your ideal day as a starting point. Why? Because surprisingly it’s something we don’t think about very often and it’s a good discipline to carve out...
Create a life you’d love to live- How to get started
Do you want to create a life you'd love to live? Is there a gap between where you are now and where you want to be? Or even WHO you are and who you want to become? The thing is – all the emotions, experiences, decisions and learnings from the first half...
If this isn’t what I want what is? – your second chance in life
Some people say that life is a game of two halves the first half we grow up, forge a career, find a partner, get married, have kids… And in the second half… we grow old and we die! But I believe it’s different to that – or it could be – I believe it’s a game of three...