How to create the freedom to be your authentic self

Fancy a copy of my free e-book?

Do you notice yourself making decisions based on what other people might think?

If you’d  like to let go of that old brain programming – get yourself a copy of my free e-book “How to create the freedom to be your authentic self”

Which guides you through 3 simple steps to ditch your old thinking and find your true self.

“Let go of the Past and Reclaim your Future” – Podcast chat

On this podcast Eleanor and I discuss the concept of Half-Time and how you can let go of the baggage from the first half of life…. amongst other things.

It’s a great conversation full of inspiration. Check it out

Have you checked out the Life Design Blog series – Create the Life you’d Love to live?

Create a life you love – part 5
Create a life you love – part 5

Whatever happened to part 5 of the blog series? It turned into a book! Or more accurately a hybrid book / journal / coaching course!   Back in September 2020 I started this blog series thinking it would be really useful for people to evaluate how they want life...